International Dating 101: Dos & Don’ts

Let's face it – dating can be difficult and intimidating all at the same time. Dating or seeing someone whose cultural background is different from yours is an experience on a whole new level. Language barriers and other issues aside, dating doesn’t have to be awkward. There are certainly plenty of reasons to date a foreign partner.
Like anything else, there are certain dos and don’ts that can be followed to make it easier and more enjoyable for you and your date. We at International Dating Club have compiled dating dos and don’ts that you need to know if you’re seeing someone internationally.
Foreign Dating 101: Do’s
Do make an effort for preparation. – Make an effort to prepare, especially when it comes to dating foreign singles. It makes a world of difference when you make time to learn more about them as much as you can, especially during the early courting stages.
Do listen – There’s nothing more insulting than neglecting to pay attention to your date, while you’re out together. Being on your phone while on a date is an indicator that you’re not interested. It’s best to refrain from using items like your phone that can distract you from giving your date your undivided attention.
This way, you’ll have a proper conversation and you’ll get to know each other better. Communicating well with your partner is also one of the key factors that has contributed to the numerous success stories of many couples out there.
Do learn a few important phrases of their language. – Language may be a barrier when it comes to dating internationally, because not everyone is fluent in speaking English. Striving to learn about their local language is an easy brownie point, and you get to impress your date in the process as well.
This will also even the playing field, as both of you are trying to learn how to communicate in the best ways you can.
Do express yourself. – Be specific in what you want and state your thoughts clearly, especially since there may be a language barrier between you and your foreign date. Dating in general, especially to foreigners, is already hard enough as it is.
Speaking indirectly won’t do you any good and will often lead to more misunderstandings. You might actually ruin your chances of finding a successful relationship if you are attracting the wrong people by not expressing yourself more.
Keep an open mind. – You’re dating foreigners, so of course, everything is different. Keeping an open mind means that you are flexible and capable of welcoming new ideas that were once strange or foreign to you. This is especially true in international dating.
International Dating 101: Don’ts
Don’t assume that everyone speaks English. – Contrary to what most people believe, English is only the 3rd most spoken language in the world at present. It’s important to avoid the assumption that everyone can speak English, including your foreign date. So how do you communicate?
Assuming that both of you are willing to make international dating work, you can start by studying each other’s language. This is a great starting point to a more fruitful and long-lasting relationship. This can also serve as an interesting bonding activity for both of you.
An apparent language barrier is an exciting challenge that’s possible to overcome. By turning it into a fun activity that both of you can enjoy, it makes your relationship fun and solidifies your bond. Besides, doing so means more romantic eye contact and sensual communication through body language.
Don’t lie on your profile – Lying should be a taboo on everyone’s online dating profile. What’s the point of faking it, when the foreign single you plan on dating soon finds out that it was all a lie the whole time?
It is important to be authentic if you’re really sincere in finding foreign singles who will take you seriously. Pretending to be someone you’re not will only cause you more harm than good.
Lying about age, height or weight will ultimately turn a potential mate away because they will realize that they were being misled. If it’s indeed true love you’re looking for, you should leave it up to your international date to see past your flaws and accept you for who you truly are. Remember that it is never ideal to start a relationship with lies.
Don’t use pick-up lines – There's a reason why pick-up lines are only used by pick-up artists, inexperienced suitors, and actors -- most of the time, they don't work. There are many factors to consider in the delivery of pick-up lines and it also depends on how receptive your date is.
If you plan on using it toward foreign singles, there’s a bigger chance of failure because of language barriers and slang terms that they may not be familiar with, so do yourself a favor. Drop the pickup lines and start a genuine, meaningful conversation with foreign singles that you actually want to date.
Don’t discuss each other’s “exes” - This should be a no-brainer. The number one question you should never ask during a date is asking about ex-lovers. Not only is this a major turnoff, but it also gives out a sign that you’re not over your ex and haven’t moved on yet.
Keep your past relationships in the past where they belong. Exes can be brought up soon, but not during first dates or the early stages of dating. Open yourself up to a new romance by not thinking of your ex, or better yet, get over them first before attempting to date someone new.
Don’t Overdo PDA – If you have achieved some intimacy with a foreign single you're dating, PDA or public displays of affection should be the next step right? Perhaps it's the norm of many western cultures or those in culturally-liberated countries; however, it might not be acceptable for foreign singles.
It has been noted that countries in Australia, Europe, and South America have a more accepting attitude toward PDA. However, certain countries in Asia and Africa are more conservative when it comes to expressing their affection in public. For example, women in Thailand may be shunned or called despicable names if they were seen being kissed by a man in public.
Love, at all costs and dimensions, is certainly for everyone. You have an entire world out there to look for the one. So why don’t you start your journey now by going through the personal profiles of foreign singles looking for the same thing as you -- love.
Start your journey today by signing up with us for free and joining one of our singles’ tours. Who knows, your future foreign partner might be among the personals listed on our site.
Do you have any foreign dating stories you want to share, or some advice you want to impart? Leave it in the comment section below. If you’re interested in reading more relevant content, check out our international dating advice articles page as well.